Sing, sing out loud
The Youth Singers of Calgary is one of our city’s most established organizations, having been hitting the high note and shimmying their jazz hands for over 30 years. Started by Shirley Penner in the 1980s, with just a small group of big-dreaming kids, The Youth Singers has since grown to see thousands of young people pass through its doors. Though not all, or even perhaps most, became famous singers or started top-charting girl and boy bands, they did go on to become creative, dedicated, tremendous men and women: doctors, designers, dancers, all of whom contribute to our city and, indeed, Canada at large with their talents and work ethic. Talk to any of them and they will quickly credit their years at Youth Singers as a pivotal influence in their lives.
To celebrate this organization, the newly annual “Hearts Out” event was born. Taking place in Studio Bell: The National Music Centre, the event saw hundreds of Calgarians come together for an evening dedicated to applauding and supporting the staff and students that make up The Youth Singers. The evening began with musical stylings from The Youth Singers’ ON CUE ensemble and Calgarian rising star, Justine Tyrell, and led into a lively “reverse auction”, which sent all VIP, Sponsors and “Friends of” guests home with an auction item valued anywhere from $200 – $6,500. Spirits now soaring, Premium guests began to arrive and, after an hour of Hotel Arts award-winning canapés and cocktails, the main program began.
Our talented host, Ken Lima-Coelho guided the rest of the evening. Personal testimonials, a performance by The Youth Singers’ SHINE group, and a video showing 30 of Calgary’s most influential movers and shakers participating in a “Youth Singer for a day” program, all filled the following 40 minutes. Afterwards, an after party dj’d by DJ Goodword and DJ Dillon lit up the dance floor.
For more information on how you can support The Youth Singers of Calgary, click Here.
*All photos by Leblond Studio