Let’s take a selfie
The Hashtag Awards were not only the kick off to SocialWest 2017, but spectacular awards created to honour the work done by Western Canadian business this year. As Mike said, the social and digital work being done in the West is often overshadowed and under -celebrated because we’re do-ers, not promoters. Well, no longer!
The Hashtag Awards were held at the historic Palace Theatre (formerly Flames Central), and featured eight categories. Great food, Wild Rose Brews and hundreds of SocialWest-ers filled the joint to champion the best of the digital west.
By the time SocialWest kicked off the following morning at the Globe Cinema and hundreds of social and digital professionals buzzing with Rosso Coffee and True Buch Kombucha took their seats for the opening sessions, a warm and energetic vibe was well in place. Our reception team got everyone sorted with badges and notebooks and led them to their welcome address from Mike.
Boom was proud to work with Mike to produce both the Hashtag Awards and SocialWest 2017. Helping to welcome, guide, mic, and support everyone who attended, spoke, and sponsored the event was a pleasure for our whole team – that kind of energy is addictive.
Congratulations to Mike! Another spectacular week in bag. Check out some of the social and fabulous Neil Zeller images…